Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lose Weight, Don't Lose Life!

Bariatric surgery is the most effective way of losing weight in morbid obesity and has gained extreme popularity over last few decades. It is a hope for those who have closed their minds over thinking the solution for their excess weight. Research promotes weight-loss or bariatric surgery as a number one choice for losing weight in severe obesity. It is just wonderful in having a number of procedural options which can be used in different patients according to their wishes and suitability. Safety of the surgery was the key concern in the past and still remains if good facility for this specialized surgery is not selected.

When someone comes out to have weight loss surgery, he/she finds a number of options in the market. So many facilities are present which claim to offer cheap bariatric surgery. It becomes extremely difficult for a person to decide often the cost stands the deciding factor for many individuals. Trouble starts from here. Patient goes to a cheap and substandard surgery centre and instead of losing weight acquires new complications. At times, he/she becomes a prey to bad surgical techniques and loses life.
Awareness about bariatric surgery and its usefulness is there in the society but very few people know about selection of a good facility for bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery only gives miraculous results of weight loss with safety when it is performed at a hospital which takes care of safety of the patient at every step. If patient commits a mistake of selecting a substandard facility, chances of complications increase. Following could be the consequences of bariatric surgery procedures performed at substandard bariatric surgery centers:

  • Increased chances of infections due to poor surgical techniques and improperly cleaned operation theaters. Infections can be life threatening in obese people.
  • Increased chances of death during the procedure due to insufficient safety measures taken during and after the surgery. Lack of intensive care facility and properly trained staff to handle emergencies is responsible for this.
  • More chances of complications due to inexperienced surgeons at substandard bariatric surgery centers. These complications include anastmosis-leakage, fistulae, and others. Patient becomes a life-long sufferer of these complications.
  • Ineffective follow-up that can lead to weight loss failure for which so much struggle is carried.

Just think! If the whole struggle for weight loss fails and patient gets complications including the grave complication of losing life, then what fun of selecting such a bariatric surgery centers is?
Bariatric surgery is a specialized surgery that should only be performed at dedicated bariatric surgery hospitals which are renowned for safety and success. Selecting a dedicated bariatric surgery hospital having experienced surgeons, state of the art operation theaters, properly trained staff and a very effective follow-up service never let anybody repent on the decision. Remember! It is dangerous to select a substandard bariatric surgery center for very important bariatric surgery procedures. It is no wisdom to lose weight at the cost of losing life.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Obesity Campaign is Raising Concerns

A New Georgia Anti-Obesity campaign is raising concern for it may cause bullying amongst Georgia's youth.
Is this ad you see shaming overweight teens and children? A few public officas are concerned that these images will help promote school bullying.
The Strong4Life campaign, sponsored by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, feature black-and-white images of overweight and obese children along with the tagline, “Stop sugarcoating it, Georgia.” In one of the commercials, an overweight teen asks his mother, “Mom, why am I fat?”

I can honestly see this being an issue. "Mom, why am I fat?" These types of images can give bullies additional repretorie to tease and mock children. Childhood obesity is an increase problem, but by shock-and-awing teens - it may actually provide real results. I suspect that there will be many cruel remarks, but I expect an equal amount of children noticing their own health and possible making an effort to reverse it.
Cruel childhood remarks are a part of life - period. Many teens and children are already being shamed for their weight issues, but these type in-your-face ads may help cause a gradual change. Obesity is a big problem and nobody really knows how to solve it. But here is one solution that could be helpful.

There are numerous other 30-second spots on Strong4LifeGA's youtube page. The issue is complicated, Georgia is one top 17th heaviest states with 28.7% of the adult population obese. This has been on many of the media outlets and there has been no real consensus. Much of the media personalities are ambivalent to this campaign. What are your thoughts? Leave them below.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Type 2 Diabetics Pushed towards Bariatric Surgery

In a recent paper on Monday, the International Diabetes Federation urged obese, type 2 diabetics to consider weight loss surgery. New studies are suggest that type 2 diabetes can be reversed by bariatric surgery in some instances.

In a position paper the International Diabetes Federation claims that the rate of growth of type 2 diabetes, coupled together with obesity is rapidly approaching an epidemic. By undergoing weight loss surgery, many complications and comorbidities can be reduced or even eliminated.

The push for weight loss surgery in some patients is contra to earlier prevaling consensus where weight loss surgery was considered a last resort option for obesity. Now bariatric surgery is presented in a new, favorable light. They also suggest that even if you don't have type 2 diabetes, but are at risk of developing the disease, weight loss surgery may be your best option.

"Bariatric surgery for severely obese people with type 2 diabetes should be considered much earlier in management rather than held back as a last resort," wrote George Alberti, a professor at the Imperial College of London. "It should be incorporated into type 2 diabetes treatment protocols."

The recommendations of the paper could have implications for a large segment of the population. Nearly 80 million people in the U.S. can be considered to have pre-diabetes, a condition that often develops into type 2 diabetes. Bariatric surgery may help many of them avoid this fate.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

With Obesity, Expect Lower Life Expectancy

Other countries are surpassing the United States in life expectancy due to smoking and obesity. New research says that life expectancy is increasing, but it is slower than 21 other countries included in the report.

The National Research Council, an arm of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, says that life expectancy at age 50 is 33.1 years, while it's 35.5 on average for women in Japan, Australia, Italy and Spain.
Since the United States spends more on health care than any other country, this slowed pace is striking, said report co-author Samuel H. Preston, a professor of demography at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The results are "surprising in terms of our self-concept," he added.

They go on to note that smoking cigarettes, particularly the heavy amount of smoking done by American women is a main causal factor. They also noted that U.S. is the heaviest nation in the world, and that, "Obesity also appears to be important, but we are less certain of its role," says Samuel H. Preston.

Life expectancy for American men increased by 5.5 years between 1980 to 2006, but that was less than the average of 21 other countries in the study. The increase for women was less. Over the same time period, life expectancy at birth for women increased from 77.5 to 80.7 years, the report states.

Men appear to be better off than women, noting 1 to 1.5 years behind the leaders.
While smoking is the key factor, the report also said obesity may account for a fifth to a third of the U.S. shortfall in life expectancy.
As our nation gets bigger, there are options to improve your life expectancy. Diet and expericse can help you shedd the pounds, but if you're struggling with obesity you may about to look into bariatric surgery like Gastric Bypass. Bariatric Surgery can help you, in a fairly quick time frame get ride of the unwanted fat from your body.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Physical Activity Can Reduce the Effects of Fat Promoting Genes

Obesity genes are often passed down from generation to generation, however recent studies show that physical activity can greatly reduce the effects of these fat promoting genes.

Research shows that people carrying certain variations of the "fat" gene, otherwise know as the FTO gene, were more likely to be overweight. FTO genes are associated with a higher body mass index (BMI), a higher body fat percentage, and a larger waist.

In a European study, 20,000 people ages 39-79 had their lifestyle relative to obesity genes studied. The FTO variants were studied along with their overall physical activity over time. Research showed that the ones who exercised more were less susceptible developing a greater BMI.

Every copy of an FTO gene brings an average of 3 additional pounds. Those who carry 2 copies can expect a whopping 6 extra pounds more than those with no copies. Most people only carry one copy of this gene, but evidence still shows that an active lifestyle can reduce the obesity risk associated with it.

Physical activity is important to combating obesity in genetically susceptible people, and it is proven to be effective at reducing the effects of a greater BMI.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Can Drinking Extra Water Decrease Your Weight?

A new study found that drinking water before meals can help people lose weight. Top researchers from Virginia Tech Institute reported that two 8-ounce glasses of water drank before a meal helped people lose weight. Brenda Davy, Ph.D., the leading researcher of the study and an associate professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg revealed the following.

In the study, researchers separated 48 older adults into two groups. One drank two cups of water before each meal and the other did not. Studies show that after 12 weeks of research, adults who drank water before their meals lost an average of 5 pounds more than adults who did not drink additional water. Doctors also said the data showed it is better for people to drink more water and less sugary drinks in order to control their weight.

Three months after the study shows that participants who ate a low fat diet and who drank water before meals lost an average of 15.5 pounds, compared with only 11 pounds in the control group. Additional studies found that adults and older people who drank two cups of water before a meal ate as much as 90 fewer calories during that meal than those who did not have water.

The main reason drinking water appears to decrease weight is that it helps fill your stomach, making you less hungry and less likely to overeat. Drinking more water is a low-risk way to lose excess weight, especially if it takes the place of other liquid calories, says Stephen Cook, M.D., an obesity expert at the University of Rochester Medical Center, in N.Y.

Earlier studies found that middle-aged and older people who drank two cups of water right before eating consumed up to 100 fewer calories during that meal than those who did not have water.

According to researchers, drinking water before meals help dieters restrict their calorie intake and shed extra pounds. Although the researchers are not sure how drinking water before meals facilitates weight management, they believe it is effective because water fills the stomach with liquid that has no calories. Experts speculate that individuals who feel full much sooner will avoid eating excessively.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Obesity Solutions International is Offering Safe Weight Loss Procedures

Obesity Solutions International (OSI) works together with highly experienced medical professionals with over 25 years of experience at bariatric surgery facilities in Tijuana and Monterrey Mexico.

OSI is committed to helping extremely overweight people with safe weight loss procedures, qualified medical professionals, and accessible and affordable service.

Weight loss surgery procedures include:

The Lapband, where the stomach is reduced so that it stores smaller amounts of food. Hospital stay is usually 24 hours our less. Results include large amounts of weight loss.

The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, which is a restrictive surgery where up to 85% of the stomach is removed including much of the hunger stimulated hormone. The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is not reversible.

The Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass, which is popular and effective at reducing the stomach, allows you to eat less and feel fuller sooner. Experience a greater quality of life and more self confidence with the Gastric Bypass.

The Mini-Gastric Bypass surgery which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure involving only a small section of the stomach. Mini-Gastric Bypass is cost and time effective.

And the Duodenal Switch which is a permanent surgery proven to be effective; suggested for people with a BMI index greater than 55%.

Obesity Solutions International Procedures are performed in full service surgery centers that have a proven record of success. The hospitals are Modern and they offer beautiful patient rooms that are private and spacious. OSI's facilities display the highest standards in equipment, technology and compassionate care.

Our surgeons specialize in laparoscopic bariatric surgery and have performed countless bariatric surgeries, and our world class dental treatments are performed by highly skilled dentists in state-of-the-art facilities.

OSI is committed to helping extremely overweight people by offering safe weight loss procedures, qualified medical professionals, and accessible and affordable service. Call us toll free now at 916-983-0426.