Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lose Weight, Don't Lose Life!

Bariatric surgery is the most effective way of losing weight in morbid obesity and has gained extreme popularity over last few decades. It is a hope for those who have closed their minds over thinking the solution for their excess weight. Research promotes weight-loss or bariatric surgery as a number one choice for losing weight in severe obesity. It is just wonderful in having a number of procedural options which can be used in different patients according to their wishes and suitability. Safety of the surgery was the key concern in the past and still remains if good facility for this specialized surgery is not selected.

When someone comes out to have weight loss surgery, he/she finds a number of options in the market. So many facilities are present which claim to offer cheap bariatric surgery. It becomes extremely difficult for a person to decide often the cost stands the deciding factor for many individuals. Trouble starts from here. Patient goes to a cheap and substandard surgery centre and instead of losing weight acquires new complications. At times, he/she becomes a prey to bad surgical techniques and loses life.
Awareness about bariatric surgery and its usefulness is there in the society but very few people know about selection of a good facility for bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery only gives miraculous results of weight loss with safety when it is performed at a hospital which takes care of safety of the patient at every step. If patient commits a mistake of selecting a substandard facility, chances of complications increase. Following could be the consequences of bariatric surgery procedures performed at substandard bariatric surgery centers:

  • Increased chances of infections due to poor surgical techniques and improperly cleaned operation theaters. Infections can be life threatening in obese people.
  • Increased chances of death during the procedure due to insufficient safety measures taken during and after the surgery. Lack of intensive care facility and properly trained staff to handle emergencies is responsible for this.
  • More chances of complications due to inexperienced surgeons at substandard bariatric surgery centers. These complications include anastmosis-leakage, fistulae, and others. Patient becomes a life-long sufferer of these complications.
  • Ineffective follow-up that can lead to weight loss failure for which so much struggle is carried.

Just think! If the whole struggle for weight loss fails and patient gets complications including the grave complication of losing life, then what fun of selecting such a bariatric surgery centers is?
Bariatric surgery is a specialized surgery that should only be performed at dedicated bariatric surgery hospitals which are renowned for safety and success. Selecting a dedicated bariatric surgery hospital having experienced surgeons, state of the art operation theaters, properly trained staff and a very effective follow-up service never let anybody repent on the decision. Remember! It is dangerous to select a substandard bariatric surgery center for very important bariatric surgery procedures. It is no wisdom to lose weight at the cost of losing life.


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