Is this ad you see shaming overweight teens and children? A few public officas are concerned that these images will help promote school bullying.
The Strong4Life campaign, sponsored by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, feature black-and-white images of overweight and obese children along with the tagline, “Stop sugarcoating it, Georgia.” In one of the commercials, an overweight teen asks his mother, “Mom, why am I fat?”
I can honestly see this being an issue. "Mom, why am I fat?" These types of images can give bullies additional repretorie to tease and mock children. Childhood obesity is an increase problem, but by shock-and-awing teens - it may actually provide real results. I suspect that there will be many cruel remarks, but I expect an equal amount of children noticing their own health and possible making an effort to reverse it.
Cruel childhood remarks are a part of life - period. Many teens and children are already being shamed for their weight issues, but these type in-your-face ads may help cause a gradual change. Obesity is a big problem and nobody really knows how to solve it. But here is one solution that could be helpful.
There are numerous other 30-second spots on Strong4LifeGA's youtube page. The issue is complicated, Georgia is one top 17th heaviest states with 28.7% of the adult population obese. This has been on many of the media outlets and there has been no real consensus. Much of the media personalities are ambivalent to this campaign. What are your thoughts? Leave them below.